Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Once upon a time there was a little boy called Dhoni. He was so named as he played cricket just like the Indian cricket star, M. S Dhoni. Seeing his passion for the game, his parents had bought him a complete cricket kit, comprising all things required to play cricket. 

One day while Dhoni was playing with his friends, his bat broke and Dhoni became sad. Seeing him disappointed his parents got him a new bat. The bat was of the make MSF and carried an autograph of M.S Dhoni. 

After passing away of M. S Dhoni the boy officially changed his name and came to be called M. S Dhoni. He kept on becoming better by the day until he finally started out as a professional cricket player. He was selected to the national team. 

He became a successful player and won numerous tournaments for his side, winning many an award for himself. He was glad that he could earn a lot of money by playing the sport which he loved so much anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Good concept. Takes one back into one's childhood. Looking forward to more such stories, Yash.


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