Saturday, March 28, 2020

करोना ये क्या करा ना

 लोगों के बीच,
               लड़ाई हो रही है।

 बच्चों के स्कूल,
               बंद हो गए हैं।

जनता कर्फ्यू में,
               डंडे बरस रहे हैं।

पंजाब में सैनिटाइज़र,
     दारु की बोतल में मिल रहा है।

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Rohit’s exams were starting tomorrow but he could not let go of the video game that he had been playing for a good three hours now. Rohit’s mother knocked at the door of his room, which was locked from inside. “Wanna start studying yet?”. “Nope”. “Wanna eat some”. “Yep”, replied Rohit even as squinted on losing points. 

Rohit had been labelled dumb by some of his teachers. He had difficulty in concentrating while studying and was always excited about things he really enjoyed doing.
On his way to school, one day, as he was walking through the meadows, he saw a queer looking object which was unmistakably a UFO. 

The UFO had an alien, even smaller in size and stature, than a human kid of Rohit’s age. The alien gestured to Rohit to open the door of the UFO which seemed to be stuck. The alien was very relieved when Rohit helped him out. The alien was happy to be free and felt really thankful to him. The two quickly became friends.

The alien told Rohit that the spaceship he had been travelling in, had developed a snag and it might take him a few days to repair it. The alien sought Rohit’s help in staying safe, away from the sight of other humans, as he surreptitiously sets right his spaceship.

Rohit was more than happy to help the alien, as is the human nature but he dared not disclose the secret to his parents. Over the next few days they spend a great time in each other’s company. When they would be tired of their games and playful activities, the alien would teach Rohit how to concentrate while studying. He told Rohit that studies are just like games if you don’t think of anything else while studying. He taught Rohit that words had meanings and it is important to understand whatever is written. Gradually Rohit began to enjoy his studies and did very well in the exams. 

The alien was finally able to get his spaceship to whizz and buzz and it was already late, as his family had not heard from him for a long time. So he had to go. But before leaving he promised Rohit to train him in making a spaceship so that the two can meet whenever they wanted to.


Once upon a time there was a little boy called Dhoni. He was so named as he played cricket just like the Indian cricket star, M. S Dhoni. Seeing his passion for the game, his parents had bought him a complete cricket kit, comprising all things required to play cricket. 

One day while Dhoni was playing with his friends, his bat broke and Dhoni became sad. Seeing him disappointed his parents got him a new bat. The bat was of the make MSF and carried an autograph of M.S Dhoni. 

After passing away of M. S Dhoni the boy officially changed his name and came to be called M. S Dhoni. He kept on becoming better by the day until he finally started out as a professional cricket player. He was selected to the national team. 

He became a successful player and won numerous tournaments for his side, winning many an award for himself. He was glad that he could earn a lot of money by playing the sport which he loved so much anyway.

Summer fun has just begun!